суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

eanthology manager

Had another dream last night. During my Reiki session with my pal Emmi she said that I needed to open myself up while I sleep to let my spirit guide better ... Err... Guide .. Me. So as I drift off to sleep and watch the colors and shapes behind my eyes, I just drift off and think to myself that I am open and ready to see... I usually donapos;t remember my dreams and the ones I do are usually pretty disturbing. Last nights dream... Iapos;m not sure if Iapos;m upset by it or not.

Amber and I were in a house I didnapos;t recognize, one with stairs (our house is a ranch style). There were a couple other people around that I didnapos;t actually ever see but I knew they were there. As I climbed the stairs I watched from a 3rd person point of view and I wasnapos;t walking up the stairs I bent down on hands and knees and crawled up. I realized I was very old. My dream self looked at my 3rd person self and said I do this so I donapos;t fall - I donapos;t want to break a hip or something.

When I got to the top of the stairs I went into a bedroom that had two beds - one was really similar to our bed we own now, the other was smaller and lower to the ground - this is the bed Amber as in and she was sleeping. She was older, too. If I had to place an age, I would go high 80apos;s. She was beautiful with her long silver hair, laying there asleep. She looked like something out of a book - describing the matronly grandmother full of inner beauty and wisdom that just radiated from her.

I watched my dream self watch her and somewhere in here perspective changed and I was in my dream self body. I sat down on Amberapos;s bed and she woke up and looked up at me and smiled. She reached her arms up and gave me a great big hug (like she does every morning before I go to work now) and a gentle kiss, full of passion and love. We sat there just looking at each other for a minute and then she said, "Ok - I have to go, Iapos;ll talk to you soon."

I just looked at her and begged her not to go, I told her I want to talk now. I donapos;t want to wait and talk to her later. She said not to worry, it wonapos;t be long before weapos;d be together again, this time forever.

Thatapos;s when I woke up.

The dream makes me happy knowing (i think) Amber and I have that much time left together bud sad at the same time.
eanthology manager, eanthology games, eanthology app, eanthology.

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